The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Who Are You?

Did you play Monopoly as a kid? Maybe you even have played it as an adult.

They say that the playing piece that you prefer reveals your inner personality.

So....Who Are You?

I have always loved the dog.

Here's the low-down on these playing pieces:

1. Race Car: You are friendly and popular and good at reading people's emotions, however you are not one to express your opinions, as your opinions are often stupid.

2. Shoe: You are generous and a great writer, but you smell nasty.

3. Iron: You love sports. Well, you really like to watch and compete. think about sports on occasion.

4.Thimble: You are a grandmother and you are not a good Monopoly player. Sorry.

5. Top Hat: You have a great sense of humor, but lack focus. You may be a couch potato, and need to get a job and vacuum your home.

6. Wheelbarrow: You think of yourself as an individual and therefore choose this stupid piece because you believe nobody else wants it. Therefore, you are an idiot.

7.Dog: You are a fantastic, fantastic person!

I never got to actually participate in a Monopoly game until I was about 8 years old. My older siblings refused to let me play. When I got old enough, I bought my own game, and played with my friends.

My Monopoly game is really old and smells like mildew, but it still works.

How about you? What's your favorite game piece?

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