
By ApeMcDoug10

Red Handed

I know this is already my second post of my cat (what can I say, I'm guilty of love) but this was actually kinda funny.

This morning when I was getting ready for school I heard what I would have thought to be my doggy eating his food... would have thought. However, I didn't see Sebastian come out of the bedroom (I don't blame him, the warm blankets are so much better in the early morning) so I knew someone else had to be munching down on the dog food. Turns out, it was my chubba Sammy.

Once I caught him, he went right back in for a few more bites!!

Explains why he's chubby... Considering Sebastian is trim, we don't buy him weight loss food. Instead he gets high protein food... Isn't that right, Sammy? Which isn't good for Sammy's waist line at all.


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