Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Will She or won’t she??

To find out the answer you need to look at the extra :)  Last night I placed a bowl of water and a bowl of kangaroo pellets down by the emus.  I had been advised by my Wildlife Warrior friend that they really need extra feed as they have eaten all the grass and their starving.  I have posted photos of the wallabies drinking from the bowls but I never thought I’d ever post a photo of one eating from a bowl.  The little character stayed around when usually they bolt as soon as they see me.  I had a couple of friends call over to see me late this afternoon and they were absolutely amazed to see what goes on out here at “Happy Hour”.  The little fantail did a dance for them and the Gang Gangs also put on quite a show.  It is always lovely to share those moments with friends.  It was a special night.

We had 8mm of rain overnight and I woke to a very damp bushy scene.  We are expecting the weather to heat up again at the end of the week so a lot of work is being done at the moment to protect the villages in the mid mountains.  We’re not out of the woods yet but we can rest a little easier tonight.

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