
By fitzbilly


I had my haircut this afternoon. I was impressed that the reading matter in the waiting area included New Scientist (August 2019 admittedly). I was reading an interesting article about perfectionism. I know all about that. I had a psychometric test for a job once and was told I was clearly a pessimistic perfectionist.

On the way to Cirencester we called in to the tip (mainly to get rid of the huge amount of cardboard we had accumulated over Christmas) and I got chastised by an operative for not parking exactly within the lines. So not that much of a perfectionist I guess. Actually I was parking at right angles across three parking bays, but in my defence it was the only place I could park because all the other cars were lined up that way.

We then had very tasty (in fact near perfect) sausage baps for lunch, but then I felt guilty when I read the message on the napkins, as I had taken 4!!!

I felt better when I saw this sign at the hospital, hopefully some of the NHS trees will balance out the effects of my extravagance. As I was expecting, the results from my recent mouth biopsy were perfectly OK, nothing to worry about, so that cheered me up as well.

A nearly perfect day!

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