
By Cumbrialass

Into the Vale of the Deadly Nightshade

Fletch slept well last night and so did I.. well,better than usual. 
He seemed happier and ate his breakfast. 

The wind had dropped , it was quite mild so we took him to the Abbey house grounds and then walked down past the Abbey Ruins , and on across the amphitheatre to Park Farm. 
Although it's called the amphitheatre it is really just where the rocks were dug out to build the abbey almost  900 years ago. 
Although the abbey was partially destroyed in the dissolution of the monasteries 500 years ago, there is still much of it still standing and a to walk round.  So that is my Wide Wed pic.. 
It is a narrow valley.. the vale of the Deadly Nightshade, after the plant that still grows there.

We stopped at the Abbey Mill cafe for coffee and cake..Fletch was.only allowed a few crumbs of my flapjack.. I don't want him to get unwell again!

A pleasant walk and not cold. 

Out tonight for a rare committee meeting for the Archery Club. I've not shot my bow for so long I'm not sure if my muscles will be up to it

Thank you for the stars. 

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