Pouring shield

This arrived today. It sits most of the way round the lip of the mixing bowl and, I'm hoping, stops flour jumping out if I get a bit enthusiastic with the speed.

BT must be really worried about my router because someone else rang today - from a totally different number of course! I'm not sure how profitable BT are but the level of service, personally calling users about problems rather than waiting for the user to raise the fault, is gold standard. I know that some of you might think that this is a scam but I'm sure that these people just care for me. Again we didn't get far but that was because I was prepping for an online meeting so I didn't have time to shoot the breeze. I did have time later which was good because Jon called round, I've not seen him for a while, and we had a nice chat.

Technical problems continue but they are dwarfed by bigger technical issues for the university which is a shame because today is FED (Little FED rather than the big FED in September). I feel for front-line colleagues trying to deal with last minute registration requests while the IT systems we rely on are not firing on all cylinders.

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