
By Chrisinwales

Today? What else could it be? A Snow Snap

Around the farm there seems to be about 3-4 inches of snow with little drifting. The fields are white, some hedges are edged in white, some trees have snow clinging to branches, and the yard is inches thick but with dents of early-morning footprints since covered. I tried for a picture of the birds - at one time some 15 including 2 starlings side-by-side on a branch - queuing for the peanuts in the apple tree but they saw me move and scattered, re-grouped and scattered, and I gave up. As I write this and indeed all morning a pair of red kites has been drifting low over the garden searching, or rather hunting, for small dead animals, but they are all hidden by the snow and I have not gained the knack of having my camera pointing in the right direction at the right time! This grass seemed to me to capture the garden mood quite well - last year's dead grasses covered in this year's melting snow.

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