POG's Journal



My Day:
Hi Everyone,

Not much to report… Bit of housework, visit from my sister no 3, out on the bike (see below), and coaching tonight.
On the Bike:
70 minutes on the mountain bike… not what anyone would really call off road, but I did ride through a couple of puddles.

The bike has this switch so you can stop the rear suspension working, which is a help on normal roads. On the way home I got caught by a couple of friends on there bikes, so my secret training will be common knowledge by tomorrow.

I think I need to put the handlebars down, saddle up and back and then it will be more comfortable.
The Photo:
How amazing I actually stopped (who cares about average speed for the ride (I do really)) to take a photo, not to interesting I know, I found something that was, but the snaps were rubbish so will  visit next week to take better ones.
More tomorrow.


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