Not a wallflower

... but definitely a flower growing out of a wall - and flowering for all it's worth. If I'm not mistaken it's a Japanese Anemone - but goodness knows how it seeded itself there on the outside of a garden wall, alongside a busy main road (which explains why its little leaves are a tad grubby). Reminds me of a short poem that my sister introduced me to many, many years ago:

I have seen flowers come in stony places
And kind things done by men with ugly faces,
And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races,
So I trust, too.

John Masefield

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting yet another Flower Friday.

I'm enjoying all tonight's full moon pictures. After a lovely walk earlier - under a clear BLUE sky - I now find it's totally clouded over, so shall miss the penumbral eclipse.

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