looking up and out

By muimui

Homemaking day

* Important to say this is the leftover Xmas cheese going into a fish pie and it was amazing*.

Contemplative part now... I feel a real pressure to be both home maker and working mum: cooking all meals from scratch, having a beautiful home, raising well-rounded kids, looking after ageing relatives, being a good friend, loving partner, kicking ass at work and somehow having a bit of time for yourself. I know it’s all BS, perfectionism and a way to keep women down. I’m determined this year to limit all soul-sapping work and make more time for the good stuff.

As for home making, that needs to slot in when I’m motivated. Over the past couple of days I’ve batch cooked soup, chilli, fish pie and bolognese. I can save some lunch money and I’ll take some to my dad and his partner at the weekend. It feels productive and I don’t resent this.

Next day off I’ll do something for me, see a friend or continue my coffee table renovation project, or best of all, I am intending to go shopping for a new camera!

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