Emergency. Blip.

We had an appointment we simply couldn't rearrange today - so an early start to try and mitigate the horror of the planned (idiocy) closure of the M6. We were still an hour late to Preston, 2.5hrs to do what normally takes 45mins, worse was to come.
We decided to then press on and make a rescheduled 2nd meeting in N Manchester, which went well, but will require another visit.

On our way back Mrs IttH suddenly exclaimed that we'd just passed a man collapsed on the other side of a busy A road outside some flats.
I'd no Responder kit in Mrs IttH's car, but still, you've got to be who you want to be in life. Hazards on and a quick u-turn.
By the time I got over to the Casualty another couple had done the same. Turned out they were first responders from Devon (visiting family).
A quick primary and secondary survey, an only responsive to pain chap with breathing difficulties. 999 called, we rolled him onto his side while I managed his head and airway, D got a few garbled words and we made out diabetic.
By the time the police arrived ten minutes later we were managing a conversation of sorts, we'd got A. some orange juice, but he was v confused and complaining he'd hit the back of his head. I had a brief chat with control who upgraded the ambulance response and they took over in minutes.
For the 15-20 mins we were on scene not a single other person came to help. Nobody came out of the flats. Lots of people quite literally stepped over us, one lady letting her dogs pause to stop to sniff the Casualty. He just lay there and sobbed.
I'd conservatively guess 100 cars passed us and well over a dozen pedestrians.

Can't lie, not feeling great about my fellow man this evening peeps.

Oh, and it took us 4 hrs to get back.

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