
By nosiesta

Type 2.5 fun

As Italy seems to be a bit ‘warm’ at the moment, we headed back to Switzerland up to 2500m to climb some more ice. It was -9 deg, felt colder and the ice was in shocking cruddy condition. Type 2.5 fun.

What does this mean?

Type 1 fun: good meals, good times with mates. Fun you enjoy when you’re doing it and want to do it again.

Type 2 fun: at the time you are suffering and you swear it’s the last time you ever do said activity. In the pub later however you realise how much fun it was and make plans for next time, forgetting the pain.

Type 3 fun: see type 2, but even afterwards in the pub there is no way that the near death experience is ever getting repeated.

Today gets 2.5 for the climbing, type 1 for the rest. To be fair climbing usually gets a 2 but 2.5 is pushing the enjoyment factor, even after the event!

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