Goanna visiting

Something caught my eye meandering up my street - too large for one of the many water dragons. I grabbed the camera and went outside - all the dragons came running towards me in fear - yes, towards me!  It was as though they wanted me to be their mummy and protect them.
Then I spotted the reason for their concern...a large goanna waddling along.  Apart from taking this photo
I stood still until it wandered off.  He or she had a distended stomach, indicating a very large dinner or maybe a clutch of eggs.  My photo is not sharp as I decided not to venture closer. They have been known to run up one's body as if it were a tree and they do have rather long sharp claws.  Leave them be and they're OK.
It's good to see any Australian wildlife surviving the fires (which by the way have destroyed an area the size of the whole UK here now.)

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