
After my late night, it was nice to have a lie in and a lazy morning. I distracted myself when I went for my shower by deciding to do a spot of tidying up in the bedroom. Tidying the chair-robe led to sorting out the chest of drawers. I was ruthless and the pike to go to the charity shop was growing higher.

Short interlude to get dressed and nip to the shops before I tacked the wardrobe - how did I accumulate so many pairs of jeans (that mostly don’t fit at the moment) and sweatshirts?
I decided to try things on and if I didn’t love it, it went in the pile. So so therapeutic.

Next step is to sort out the shoes as the ones I wear nearly every day are my walking shoes so I think I can get rid of a few pairs.

Thank you for your recent comments and stars - I’m a little behind but trying to catch up.

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