You want the good news or the bad news . . .
First of all, and most important, Mr Hilton is much better today and demanding food after a visit from the vet yesterday. Relief all around and thank you so much for the comments and thoughts.

The bad news (well not that bad) - do you remember as a child being promised something and then having it taken away ?
Well, last year I celebrated the fact that this wonderful UK county of Yorkshire would be hosting the start of the Tour de France cycle race next year.
Yesterday the route was announced. Guess what - olde Yorkshire consisted of 3 Ridings (Parts) and the race is only going to one of them. I feel cheated - in fact I was so cross I decided to go for my own Tour de Yorkshire at high speed to work out my anger. . .
Then I saw the bike, and the snow, and came inside and had a coffee instead ! So much for Yorkshire grit and determination !
Have a grand weekend all - and stay warm !

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