
I may have gone out a bit too quick into the wind this morning as me and jaybroek went out early at 8 to head west to The Bathgate Alps. I may have gone a bit too hard for a bit too long. The second half of the ride...I faded. And by the time I got back I was pretty knackered. Plus there was a puncture around Beecraigs that took ages to sort out (long story, won't bore you) and a small tumble when I set off into blinding sun and didn't see the pothole right in front of me. The odd scrape and bruise to show for it, but I'll live!

Us grown-ups went out later to see 1917 (starring George MacKay - forever 'Bromley' to us from his role in 'Pride'). I thought it was mostly terrific, she not quite so much. And then the girls came to meet us for tea out, where we discussed holiday plans for February half-term and the Easter holidays. I *think* we have decided to go nowhere in February and then have a few days away over Easter - Berlin or 'somewhere in Sweden' are the leading contenders. Obviously these may change the next time we discuss such matters.


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