Joe's Blips

By joesblips

When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Mrs Joesblips and I are now BOTH coughing and spluttering all over the place.Even though it's only 7pm we are off to bed complete with hot toddy's in a bid to beat the bug.
Not only was I feeling grotty all day but I had to put in a business trip of 80 miles (about 120kms). Now I have been driving for over 45 years and apart from a couple of occasions in snow and ice, I have NEVER EVER driven is such conditins. Howling wind, lashing rain reducing visibility down to much less than 100 metres a lot of the time and flood waters really too deep to drive through although I had to, simply to get home. Goodness knows what damage might yet show up in the electrics.
Before I set off I had to do a few mug shots for a bunch of people in the office. These will be used for ID badges. This is "M", proving that when Irish Eyed really do smile as the old song says they do.
Now where is that brandy?

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