Break On Through


I went into work this morning, and just after I arrived the sun was making a brave attempt to break through the snow-laden sky behind the trees, so I grabbed this shot for my blip. Just as well I did as within minutes it had lost the battle and there's been no sign of it again all day.
After receiving a phone call I arranged to have the afternoon off. I was supposed to have a delivery of Toms feeds tomorrow but it's been snowing lightly all day and with heavy falls predicted overnight and tomorrow A was concerned they may not get through, so we rearranged it for early this afternoon instead. Then, today being payday, I drove to my local town and did my Big Monthly Shop. Now I have Toms feeds in, myself well catered for and a good supply of logs - so the weather can do what it damned well likes for the weekend!

A music link (I haven't had one for a while) :)

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