and through the wire...

By hesscat

Chichen Itza

Rather than hang about the beach for another day, today we went off on a tour to Chichen Itza, some Mayan ruins inland. I had heard of the Mayan Calendar and something about the end of the world in 2012 but I had no idea of their history and how good at maths they were! This temple in the top photos is built with dimensions and proportions that matches their calendars - they have 2! The bottom left is of an arena where 2 teams battled it out with a big rubber ball and 2 hoops on the walls and the winning captain was sacrificed to the gods - they did it every year! After the ruins we went to a cenote, where land has collapsed into underground rivers (there are 1000s) and you can swim in them. I don't really do swimming in rivers, too cold, but I did this one and after the initial cold blast, it was very refreshing,

The extras show various scenes on our way there and back (it was a fascinating journey), followed by the stage that will be used tomorrow night - all ready for us! Tomorrow all the normal holiday makers get chucked out the Wilco posse arrive. We can't wait...

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