Behind the scenes

Lots goes on in village panto production. It's not just about the actors.

My collage shows our lovely PTA ladies from the local primary school who sell sweets and delicious ice cream at each performance.

Then there's the makeup...panto requires a lot of special character detail, all taking a lot of time. It's understandable why it is a bit untidy where the makeup girls are working!

Not so in the bar which is always highly organised. They have to work fast so that the queue doesn't get too long.

Finally the bit we all love best....the after party. The Revellers love to dance on goes the Macarena and other group dance music and there is no stopping us. Like Cinderella we have to be out of the village hall by midnight. But back at 10 on Sunday morning for the clear up. It's all done by mid day.

Our lovely saxophonist flew back to Oz today. But hopefully we will all be back in pantoland in 2 years time.

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