You know that you are old....

When one of the dresses that you wore in your twenties is in a museum!!!!

We booked a later train home due to track works on the east coast line, so time to do more visits today. We headed across to London Bridge station and down the road to the Fashion and Textile Museum to see Zandra Rhodes 50 years of Fabulous!!!

I was never a great fan of her work at the time it was produced, but have warmed to her over the years as my tastes have changed. This is awesome....the colours, fabrics and designs incorporate many cultures. These exhibitions don’t just show you the clothes, but also how they are designed and created in her small studio. The fabric is printed to fit the pattern pieces, rather than us trying to fit the pattern pieces onto the design of the material to make the most of it.

There was also a small Norman Hartnell exhibition....most interesting:0)

The dress that I referred to in the title is in extras. I bought a pink version of this dress for B’s section Christmas dinner in 1971, the first event that I had attended, being newly married. I thought that I’d better not turn up in one of my ‘home made’ dresses. Well another girl was wearing a blue version, she was mortified!!! Lesson learned....make your own, it’s cheaper and original!!!!

We then headed to the Tate Modern, which we haven’t visited for about 15years+. Coffee and cake to restore the energy levels before looking at a couple of exhibitions. Modern art is not really my cup of tea. I do get it to a certain extent when I’ve read the accompanying details.

The only one that I related to was by Yinka Shonibare CBE highlighting the impact of immigration on British culture (worth a Google). Not surprising when it involves books, history and brightly coloured material!!! (In extras)

The journey home was not such a pleasant experience. Our 5.35 train was non existent. We were told to get the 5.29 to Edinburgh and although the first stop was boarded as York, it would stop at Peterborough to off load the people for the Leeds train. Two train loads onto one was a bit of an indication of potential problems. We were no sooner seated when a young lady said that I was sitting in her seat. I explained the ‘missing train, two lots of passengers into one and that all seat reservations had been cancelled. She grabbed another seat and was ok.

The next interruption was a young man demanding that I vacated his reserved seat.....explanation joy! He continued to demand to see my seat reservation.....!!! I was tired and cross by this time and about to ‘throw my rattle out of the pram’ when the young lady next to me quietly and firmly repeated the explanation and told him to get another seat. No messing with her!!! I was grateful.

We then discovered that the trip to Peterborough was via Cambridge and Ely.....slowly. We were in a posh new Azuma....minus any heating. At least the next train from Peterborough to Newark was toasty and we got a coffee. A journey that normally takes 90 minutes took 3hrs.

Temps 1degree at the station, but home to a warm house by 9pm. A long eventful day, mostly enjoyable......soooo tired!!

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