Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Chasewater Outflow

Popped in to Chasewater on the way over to see Mom this morning. Amazingly, the water level has again risen and has started to flow over the dam head in to the outflow pool. It has taken less than a year for the water to refill, two years ahead of schedule! A pretty good indication of the amount of rain we've had.

This tree sits in the base of the flood area below the dam, you might just be able to make out the dam wall on the horizon. Just past this tree the water flows over a sluice and into the local canal.

I walked past Jessop's in Lichfield today. What a sad sight to see it with shutters down and empty shelves. Jessop's has been a part of my photographic life from the very start back in the early 1980's. I quite vividly remember my Dad taking me to the main store in Leicester to buy a Canon A1 for the princely sum of £324.99 (I know, shock horror, I'm a convert) . That camera was revolutionary of its time, with programmed, manual, shutter AND aperture priority in one package. Of course it was still manual focus!

Those were the days !

You get the feeling of a major change in the high street with recent troubles of Comet, HMV, Blockbuster and Jessops. The current technological advancements will continue to impact and those left with a physical presence in our town centres must be ready to adapt or go the same way.

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