
By NickMog


His father had been a treasure hunter. He spent years and all of his money searching for clues as to the location of possible caches of gold coins or bullion. And then, famously, he found real, piratical buried treasure. It was perfect - there was a romantic story and even some sort of treasure map. His discovery was turned into a Channel 5 documentary and, in the US, a made-for-cable movie. But, after the initial euphoria, he was at a loss. In the end, he sold some of the haul and buried the rest in a secret location. And used the money to finance further treasure hunts.

He himself was a serial pursuer of women. His motivation was the thrill of the chase. Once a woman had fallen for his charms, she invariably lost her attraction for him. He quietly buried each of them in a secret location and started a fresh hunt.

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