Wednesday's painting...

....from this guy's You Tube tuition video....

I only had time for 45 minutes painting this morning. In acrylics. Size A4. Brushes used above the painting. 

I had to go out all day today...

It was a bit of a crazy night.
Popeye and I went into the kitchen at 9 pm to make my last drink. I knew something was up from Popeye's body language before we opened the door to the kitchen...

Devastation...stuff strewn...the kitchen bin thrown over...there was no waste food in it, but a couple of out of date cartons of double cream that I had not opened and they had now been ripped open and strewn across the floor.

Popeye was absolutely shocked and horrified that anything had dared break into his kitchen. It was actually funny to watch Popeye's face. He was sniffing where the 'thing' had been, and looking at me horrified. There was a musky scent. Popeye checked the cat flap and it was obvious to him that was the point of entry. So he shot out.

I cleared the floor. And waited for Popeye to come back. He didn't.

I was worried in case it had been a small badger, and the rest of the badger family of 5 were nearby, or a fox. Popeye is an old gentleman of 27 years old. But he still acts and behaves like a young cat. Popeye did take on the adult badger once, a few years ago. He shot in the cat flap then like a bullet into the front room and sat confidently and serenely on the window ledge of my very large front window. It was dark. Suddenly out of nowhere a large badger hurtled itself against the window. Popeye sat there confident he was safe this side of the glass. The double glazed window shook and I was ready to flee to the back.I still recall Popeye looking at me saying it's okay mum the window will protect us...

Anyway back to the present day, and 3 hours later (and I had looked outside and called for him) and still no Popeye. I was very tired and had to be out all day today, so I went to bed. Woke up at 5. There is Popeye all fine and dandy sitting on the radiator ledge in the kitchen guarding the cat flap.

He is fine. He has obviously hunted for mice in the night. And eaten the because he is a heffalump this morning and not interested in a lovely breakfast. So he must have been scent making in the night too (yes he has been neutered as a kitten), but he still marks the boundaries of my property twice a day.

So I did my painting before I went out. But had to rush. Would have liked longer.

Just got back. Foggy and dark on the way home. I don't like driving in either.

I still had to clean all my kitchen surfaces because I didn't know what had been in the kitchen. Then I realised there were paw prints on my white washing machine. They didn't look like Popeye's. 

So, I checked online, and the info suggested fox prints.

And consequently I have just paw printed Popeye, which didn't go down very well. 

All I can for definitely say is they are not Popeye's paw prints.

It is looking very much like it was a fox that came in my kitchen last night from the paw prints.

My cat flap isn't a small cat flap. It is a much larger cat flap, because when my dog Meg was alive, she could use it.

Anyway, I am shattered now. Overtired. So this probably means I won't fall asleep tonight...

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