Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Building a snowman

Well as expected we had an awful night. The cough is much better but the steroids were making him bounce off the walls and we were up at least every 2hrs trying to get him back to sleep.

After letting Neil have a lie in and a big breakfast (Henry can eat more cereal than me!) we went back to bed for a nap, then got wrapped up ready to go outside. Neil and Henry had great fun in the sledge although I was worried Neil was going to do himself a mischief as he almost ended up in several bushes, much to the delight of Henry who laughed like a drain throughout.

Then we went home and made a snowman in the garden. I put Henry in the snow and it was so deep he couldn't move his legs so he just stood there and waved until I pulled him out! He loved patting the snowman into shape as you can see on today's blip!

We've just had roast pork (I didn't check the use by dates in Sainsburys, it was meant to be Sunday lunch but the use by date was today) and Henry surprised us by eating some mashed potato! He still threw most of it on the floor but its a start. He's been very affectionate today with lots of cuddles and kisses which is nice but I feel like my face is encrusted with snot - lovely.

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