The Gang

Today has felt really really full...this morning the prospect of how everything would come together felt a bit overwhelming! But as is usually the case, things just work out somehow! 
A highlight was Letesia coming to cook for the homeless guys and then coming to take the food out and meet people. It was so soooo lovely to introduce her to people, and everyone was so appreciative of her delicious cooking! Also good news from one guy who’s got a room to stay in as of Monday! We ended up handing out 15 meals. One of the women came back with us to grab a load of wet wipes, sanitary stuff, toothbrushes etc...Nate came with us to hand out the food, scootering along...he always goes down a treat with our friends on the street!

Early evening we had a bowling party for one of Asha’s friends - the white tshirt. The kids had a blast and we didn’t get home til 9! 

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Letesia meeting so many of our friends.
2) This gang of multicultural friends - represented here is Ibiza, Venezuela, Brazil, Romania and England! 
3) Lying in bed with a cup of tea and Aldi’s fake m&ms!

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