
By Cumbrialass

Mizzling again

Another damp day . Misty and not quite raining.. mist and drizzle =mizzling.

A misty walk up to the sea wall and a bit farther, with M and Fletch. 

Not much to photograph..  the two cargo ships that seem to have been overwintering across the dock started belching out black smoke presumably they're testing to see everything is still working. It didnt look very environmentally  healthy and the couple of photos I took weren't very interesting

So at teatime, I realised I'd no photo. So , armed with torch and mobile phone I went out into the drizzle.. ( less mist by then)  and after a few attempts, managed the above photo. 
My white camellia   bush is always the first to flower though surprisingly later than usual this year. I've several which flower one after the other so I have camellia flowering in my garden for months. This white is my particular favourite 

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