
The journey from Hoy to Rackwick is always worthwhile. In a car it's a floating, bumpy ride; the hills and hamars gradually revealing the valley. Orkney tilting towards Caithness. On a push bike it's a breeze, no vehicles and a decent cadence will get you up the Brae of the Hut and roll you all the way down to the wondrous Rackwick beach. On foot the journey is ineffable. Every frond of bracken, every immature stonechat, the myriad of meadow pipits, the multi brown hues of the heather and still-worked peat banks. The Merlin shooting up to roost in Rinnigill. Today was such a day. Diamond according to Vashti Bunyan.

The journey is always special. Always will be. The Current Mrs Creel spent a lot of her childhood in Rackwick, it's her heart and home.

Don't look for a castaway in a bottle.

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