A walk in the woods

During the past couple of weeks the woods seem to have shaken off their gloom and started to liven up a little. This morning's walk was punctuated with birdsong and flutterings within the canopy and, even though the way was very muddy in places (it rained hard again last night), I felt a rise in spirits. This beautiful mossy wall is the remains of a field boundary, now engulfed by the plantation. It doesn't take long for these fast growing trees to take over.

Extra of Berry waiting at the tumble down gap in the wall, striking various poses, all in the blink of an eye!

Berry and I were out for quite some time. She flaked out for a long snooze afterwards whilst I grabbed the opportunity to get a couple of hours gardening in. Quite a chilly breeze but invigorating to be out in non-rainy weather.

LH is back from golf, coffee is being drunk and then I'm out to do the food shop. After yesterday it will be an early night tonight.

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