A busy day with Angus and Scarlett including a visit for them to our Bank.  Honestly, ninety minutes to sign papers when they were suppose to be prepared and with two youngens in tow.  Phew. 
We did ramp things up a little for Angus and Scarlett in the afternoon with a trip to the Fringe Festival in North Perth.  Three hours of intertainment by Mr Snot Bottom (Scarlett's fave) and then the Splash Test Dummies.
Both hilarious.  The kids got right into it and were enthralled and loved getting wet from the water pistol - such fun.
Even MrD was involved when 'the dummies' came to save him - from who, you might ask.  :))  
Apologies the blip isn't flash but that ball was coming straight at me and I was standing to catch it.......these things happen.

Another shot of the albatross in extras - this shot taken at 130pm the previous photo taken at 3pm.  They could be two different birds.

It's Sophia tomorrow morning and work in the afternoon.  I'll get there.  :))

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