Heart gifts

An early start - Letesia was up and out first thing, as was I. I had a meeting over in San An...bumped into a homeless friend on the bus who shared more of his life story. Such a privilege to listen. Then half way to San An another friend got on the bus - what joy! I've not known her long, since just pre Christmas. She also came to the feast on Christmas Day. Anyway, long story short, she insisted on giving me this beautiful silver ring she was wearing - a woman after my own heart with loads of rings on! Such generosity and kindness...what an honour to receive a gift from her! 
A great meeting in San An, organising a loose plan for the woman who's coming next week to stay for 3 weeks...she's been cycling round various communities in Europe - we're up next!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into Sef and Patricia...such lovely souls.
2) This ring and it's significance - a very special gift.
3) Time with Asha on the walk to the school 'walking bus stop.'

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