Morning has Broken

I did plan to have a lie in this morning, seeing as wasn’t in work until this afternoon, but when I woke up it was quite bright, and I looked outside and the sky was quite pink. So I pulled on some clothes and drove straight to the beach - I missed the pink colours but it was worth it for this sunrise.

Before work I had an appointment with the lymphedema therapist for a massage, as my left arm has had a lot more strain since having had the surgery on my right shoulder . It’s settled down again now but my insurance have approved 3 months’ of treatment and Karin the therapist recommends the massages.

My afternoon at work went quite quickly and on my way home there was the most amazing firework display - I’ve no idea what it was in aid of or even where it was, but I could see them in front of me as I drove along the coast road, I just wish I could have video’d it!

Tonight we’ve been busy packing ready for our trip tomorrow, and we have an early start as we have to be at the airport at 6am, so we’re off to bed now.

Apologies for the lack of comments, I’ll catch up with you when we’re back.

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