Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

Love actually

cupboard true love !

The two loves of my life, I'm not sure which one I adore most lol.

Shaki and I have been civilly partnered for 2 months now and have been with child dog for 1 month. Best 2 days of 2012.

After my illness I decided that I wanted to end the year on a good and positive note ( and fit in with shaki's school holidays) so we got wed on 3rd November. This was also the 3rd anniversary of my getting the all clear.

The hardest part of being ill and surviving was learning how to live without the cancer! Sounds funny, but when a serious illness rules your life for so long it can be difficult to come to terms with being well again.

I did struggle trying to find the right balance of moving on while still continuing with fortnightly blood tests and monitoring. But no more does that evil disease rule my life every day. Now I can breathe, make long term plans, the dust is settling, taking time out for me the last 6 months has given me time to evaluate, come to terms with being a survivor and to let go.

It has changed me, I am harder, more resilient, ever so grateful to be here and happy that I am loved and that I can give that love back.

New beginnings and happy endings :-) xx

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