Bbbrrrrooommmm Bbbrrrrooommmm

Today we drove down to Bexhill to visit Mr Cs Great Aunt & Uncle, stopping off at this bikers cafe nearby to grab a tea and cake as we were a little ahead of schedule.

His GU had a couple of falls on Christmas Eve and is , sadly, not in a great way. Last weekend he was moved into a local care home for palliative care and GA B, who is incredibly with it mentally but is crippled with arthritis, has also moved into the home to be near him. She is quite adamant that it is only a temporary measure on her part but I think deep down she knows she is unable to live on her own now as she has difficulty dressing herself or preparing and cooking food.

When we arrived GU was about to go back to hospital as he had pulled out his catheter. We managed to grab 5 minutes with him before he went. He was quite confused and spoke very quietly but I think he knew who we were. He was struggling to get his hands free ( he was strapped into the ambulance trolley) to shake Mr Cs hand.

Then we went a couple of rooms down to see GA B. She is struggling to adjust to her new surroundings and really just sits in her room. We managed to get her to show us around and we sat in the lounge with a few other residents and had tea before we took her back to her room. Due to poor eyesight she’s not too confident at moving around on her own either. We popped out to pick some fruit up for her before we headed back home.

It was lovely to see them both and hopefully it won’t be too long until we see them again.

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