
By Ferjen

Staffordshire snozzle!

Not many photo opportunities today so just took a snap of Pickle lying next to me on the sofa.

Work is calm now, as of today we had 12 returns still to do. Only 3 of those are mine and the usual suspects left til the very last minute... I actually had some slack time at work today waiting for information to come in, but feel so drained after the busy month that I couldn't motivate myself to start any of the jobs I have ear marked as February jobs, they can wait and I figures it's OK to coast a little after the month we have had.

I left on time and picked the girls up from preschool. They played nicely all afternoon. They have been riding their bikes and scooters up and down the lounge - an advantage of not having decent floor down!

I is obsessed with Frozen 2 at the moment. She asks Alexa to play the soundtrack and she sings at the top of her voice. It's very cute.

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