All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

It was my niece Ellens 3rd birthday yeterday (I'm a bad Aunty 'cos I've been telling everyone all week she was going go be 2 - oops)! So we went over to see her and her brother Cambell and baby sister Isla today (oh, and their Mummy too of course)! I did take loads of pictures of her opening her pressie, but it was very hard to get one which was in focus as she didn't sit still for more than a second at a time!

My husband was teasing Cambell, as you can see in this picture, by rubbing one of Ellens birthday balloons on his head and then sticking it to the ceiling. The kids of course thought this was magic and couldn't get the knack of doing it themselves!

After spending a few hours there, hubby is now knackered and away for a lie down ha ha!

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