
By TBay

Public Speaking .

Last evening I attended the Somerset YFC Public Speaking competitions evening. I had helped two of the teams from our group and they were very successful! One team had two seconds , as in picture above and the other team had a first and third, so a good nights work.

Today seems to have been a long day. Mr Tbays brother did not have a good day yesterday so we were rather on edge today. In a situation like this you feel so rudderless. There is nothing you can do but just wait for news.

News did come this evening and it was more positive. Mr R is now breathing on his own and no longer has a tube in his throat. On removal he was able to speak just a few word the first since he was taken ill 10 days ago. He has a long journey ahead but this we all pray is a big step towards it.

Thank you for your support and kind words at this difficult Time. Blippers are just the best!

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