Abstract Landscape

For Abstract Thursday.  

It was a deceptively beautiful day even though the temperatures early were frigid at 12F.  I woke to a Facebook message from the mother of the first young man Sumner dated back in 2004.  Unfortunately, it was not good news.  He had passed away yesterday from an overdose.  They were not in touch when things went this way for either one of them and they were a handful to keep track of back in high school, but his mom and I had a good relationship and she had been very supportive over the last 7 years.  I had a couple of conversations with him over the last several years and he wanted to be okay, tried hard to do what needed to be done.  He was an only child and she gave it her all to support him and he actually had been doing well recently having just gotten engaged at Christmas.  It is an insidious disease. They both had a large circle of friends who loved them but had lost touch, it hurts to see them hurt too.  

Thanks very much to Ingeborg for hosting AT, for continuing to host and offer some challenging topics. I've put the original in extras since when I took it, I had no idea what today's theme was.

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