today's another day

By dbrereton

155 no

So, I did it.

I ran, or walked, mainly ran though, 5km on average every day of January.

What did I learn?

Even with all this activity I am 77kg all day, every day, I have not lost any weight at all. I thought I would.

I am however more toned, and even though it's the legs that run, arms and body are more defined.

I like running, it's good to clear my head, and I like fresh air. I like the countryside. I like being on my own too, if just for 30 mins.

A treadmill with podcasts is ok, and ok for 5km, especially when dark and raining.

Jim Morays new album is very good.

My legs dont feel any worse for all these miles.

I have slept very well, most nights.

I have had lots of energy each day because of this.

I haven't abstained from alcohol, I've enjoyed my beers more.

My Hokas need cleaning

I may just keep going now....

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