Sixy Pic

6 years since we arrived on this little island that's now our home!
A full day but we squeezed time in to take a photo in the Old Town! 
I had the morning with a loooovely Roma friend from Sa Penya, Quina. We had a couple of hours talking and hearing more of each others stories, ranging from labour experiences, to evictions, to childhood memories, to experiences of Jesus - beautiful. Straight from there to take a few more pics for Nude...then home via some homeless friends to get the info on the hidden women's refuge...quick lunch at home with Claire...then up to the Old Town to take a pic and see a friend who's moving house - we collected some of her stuff and Danny's just driven up to get some heavy stuff and some things she's giving to Roma friends. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into friends from every area of our life today - it's been a special day actually, it's felt significant on this 'Ibiza-versary'!
2) Time to get to know Quina together is brilliant...but times like these are when we'll really grow our friendship. 
3) Impromptu lunch with Claire. 

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