Dark Day

The day many of us lost a fundamental piece of who we are, when as a nation we became so much less than we were.
I think of myself as a human first. If you pushed me I can accept I'm a Westerner culturally and I'll always be a Northerner spiritually. But the one truth always there was that we were all the same, all had a chance to be more.
Later today that'll cease to be true. I, and everyone else in the UK, will slowly start to lose basic freedoms, rights and opportunities. Something so intrinsic to who we were will be taken, and so many seem to value it so little. The dream of being better together has died. Very very few except the elite will see an improvement to their lives, but hey, that's the will of the people right. It happens in a few hours and yet not a single tangible benefit can be confirmed, whilst so much will fade away.

Philosophy Friday
Nobody ever regretted trying their best.

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