Change of mind...

This morning, while out on a walk, I took a picture of some snowdrops. I love them so much. They’re simple flowers, but so sweet and elegant. I had planned to write about my walk and my busy day, but then I changed my mind.

I’ve spent my evening listening to classical music on the radio and finishing this jigsaw puzzle that my friend J lent me. The commercials on the radio have reminded me more than once that the U.K. is leaving the EU tonight. And all of a sudden I realised that a piece of the European jigsaw puzzle will be missed from 11 onwards tonight. The perfect picture that many pieces make together won’t be perfect any longer. It’s a sad day. I’m Italian and I live here in the U.K. now. I’ve just moved and I am still unsettled and confused, but tomorrow morning when I wake up I will surely feel further from home. Italy is one of the founders of the European Union and the treaty was signed in Rome in March 1957. I’ve always believed in the EU and in the adage “united we stand, divided we fall”.

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