Joe's Blips

By joesblips


OK then, this is a cheat. I own up to it immediately! The original of this was not shot with a digital camera. Indeed it wasn't shot with a film camera either. In fact it wasn't shot with any kind of a camera at all.
This is a genuine Cyanotype. The weed was placed on a sheet of sensitized paper, exposed to sunlight for 20 minutes and "Developed" by the simple process of washing in running water for about 5 minutes. When dried, I simply photographed it to make the digital file.
The Cyanotype process was discovered by Sir John Herschel in 1842, not as a photographic process at all but as a means of making what later became known as industrial Blueprints which survived in engineering and architectural circles until relatively recent times. It was up to Anna Atkins to realise its potential as a photographic and artistic medium.
After yesterdays glass plates shot you might be tempted to think that I am beginning a retro series but in fact I'm not. It simply worked out that way.

And finally, having said to several of you only yesterday that we hadn't seen a single flake of snow here in our gardens, I can safely report that it is snowing right now out there. Fitful and light, only the merest dusting so far. Let's hope it stays that way. I have 100 business miles to drive tomorrow.

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