Men's place

A lazy day. Slept late and we visited few second hand shops - me and my daughter.

Second hand shops including this Men's place in the Blip. Everything so interesting old stuff! I found a new Donald Duck at the gym firugre and also a Smurf figure from one second has shop. For photographical purposes only.

In the afternoon we had my son with us and we had lunch together in small Chinese restaurant, our favorite.

It was raining sleet all day, grey and partly kind of foggy weather. Ground is partly sleety and slippery, normal winter weather - oh how I did not miss it.... Anyway, so we did not do anything really, had a lazy evening too. Some playing with the bugdies, though. Watching a movie "Sully" (2016) from telly in the evening.

Trying to get rid of my sniffles


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