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By CMPhoto

Day 1 - 366

This is the first of 366 (it's a leap year remember) "one image per day posts" for 2020. I had originally intended to take a photograph a day based on a list of titles, one per day, that I had presented to my online photo group for their delectation and frustration. This would have been the third time I would have used and completed the project using that format. However, I found it extremely hard to focus on the titles and as the days of the new year progressed, I began to panic that I would never get started. So, after some thought, I decided to pursue another way of approaching the project.
I had, for some time, wanted to make a selection of images taken in my home. This would be something that I could do if the weather was poor (remember I live in the UK) and I had started the project about 18 months ago but it had fizzled out. With this in mind, I also gave myself some other "restrictions" for the project.
Photographs to be taken only in the house
Only my XF18mm F/2 lens is to be used.
No monochrome images (my usual style)
Only 1:1, square images to be produced

After the first couple of photographs, it also became clear to me that I was going to try and concentrate on closeup shots, or as close as I can get with the 18mm.

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