It pays to shop around.


It was necessary to buy some more paint for my ongoing wee DIY job, this time a Zinsser paint product was needed.

Researched the internet re local trade suppliers, (all companies I’ve bought things from before), each equally good in terms of service and reputation. The dearest on this occasion is two more miles away, I’m standing at the middle priced place, and the cheapest is up the street in the photo. Coincidentally, today’s “dearest” place sold the wall emulsion I used recently in 7.5 litre tubs some 25% cheaper than the others sold 5 litre tubs for!

There was another heavy hail shower and a period of sleet a few minutes later, just when I was about to go for a walk. I’m generally not averse to poor weather walking but frankly couldn’t be bothered today. I went home for lunch, and did some painting.

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