Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sally's Shell

This is 'my' hellebore. I've had it a few years now, it's really strong and bright and right outside the bedroom window. The flowers seem to last for weeks, well into spring. I managed to catch it between showers today.
I was up early today, well early for me anyway, to phone the dentist. I managed to get an appointment at 11. It wasn't with my own dentist but I was just happy to be seen. She put in a temp filling which she reckoned should last while I was away but she was also very encouraging of the emergency repair kit too, so I've stocked up on more of that from Boots. All for the princely sum of £13.50 thank you NHS. It's going to cost an awful lot more than that next time I go though.
Back across town to visit our former Rector and his wife who are back from the States, I was keen to catch them before I went away, so was pleased I did. Delicious lemon madeira cake which D had made too.
Next it was back home and watching Countdown before an early meal then bridge. I think they all wanted to be nice to me before I went away so let us win! By a substantial margin too!
I had been dreading today, primarily because of my visit to the dentist, but it wasn't as awful as I had feared it would be, so I'll relax a bit. I'm all packed and I've checked in for my flight on Wednesday morning, so good to go.
Thanks for all the sympathy for my tooth yesterday, I know I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to the dentist, but really, of the 5 Mondays in 2020, I've been at the dentist on 4 of them and 3 of those visits were unrelated emergency appointments!
India minus 2!

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