Happy Daze

By Dazed


I will never get to make a speech at the Oscars as I am a terrible actress and though this obviously isn't Oscar-worthy there are some people that I'd like to thank.

1) Margaret (daughter of John and Ann Tailour) who died on the 1st December 1830 at the ripe old age of 100 and without whom I wouldn't have a blip. I assume she wasn't married by the epitaph, perhaps that's the reason for her longevity? :)

2) Cherryblossom who came blipping with me today and waited patiently while I looked at every single gravestone around Greyfriars Kirk to find someone who had made it to 100 years of age.

3) My subscribers and anyone who comments - this is a lovely community and I really appreciate all the feedback that I get.

4) Joe - for coming up with the idea of Blip in the first place.

I've lived in Edinburgh for most of my life but I find that blipping is helping me to look at the city in a whole different way and I'm seeing things I've never seen before. I still have huge leaps to make with my photography skills, but I'm enjoying myself.

And that's what counts, right?


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