The working man

Lots of bitty things achieved today.
Bitterly cold with a wind chill factor. Alang was asked to sort the clock at St. John’s Egham which he did. Needs further looking at though.
I on the other hand spent a couple of hours in the garden where I dug the veg garden watched over by the resident robin . No doubt he had a feast after we left . (Jasper was with me). Picked up twigs from the apple tree, weeded, looked for the snowdrops (again), pruned the roses of the evil thorns. Don’t want any accidents . Had coffee and walking home met a couple of friends so had another one!!!! Cleared out old holiday paper work and shredded. Phew. Now to relax and it not the end of the afternoon yet.
This is Alang cutting the main trunk of the apple tree we had to take down to fit the fence panel .

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