
By SmileyCharlie

Is that a word?

I spent a lot of my time today holed up in my bedroom working on my proposal, and at some point needed a time out. The weather was pretty horrendous. Grey, windy and rainy. I was sure there would be something worth doing in Bristol, but there wasn't much that Mum and Dad hadn't done already in the past week of grey wind and rain. It was deemed time for a spot of scrabble. Mum was the eventual winner with a more consistent score throughout.

Next came scrabbling all my things to go down to London. 
We all met Gigg in the Black Horse in Bristol, where we drank some delicious beer and the 'rents gave Gigg their best advice on buying a property in the Bedminster area. She's lived at home with her family for the last 4 years, but now with the help of some handy early inheritance is setting her sights on do-er upper houses around our old haunts of Knowle, Totterdown and Bedminster. 

Dragging mum away from ugly bathrooms on, we said our goodbyes and didn't stop giggling and chatting the whole coach to London.

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